On Thursday's Winter Solstice, I created a Horned God effigy for my synthetic Yule tree 🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) December 24, 2017
info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horned_God
On Thursday's Winter Solstice, I created a Horned God effigy for my synthetic Yule tree 🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈🎄😈
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) December 24, 2017
#!/bin/bash # Temporal slice-stacking effect with FFmpeg (aka 'wibbly-wobbly' video). # See 'NOTES' at bottom of script. # Ver. 2017. # source: http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com function cleanUp() # tidy files after script termination { rm -rf "$folder" \ && echo "### Removed temporary files and folder '$folder' ###" } trap cleanUp EXIT ### Variables folder="$(mktemp -d)" # create temp work folder duration="$(ffprobe "$1" 2>&1 | grep Duration | awk '{ print $2 }')" seconds="$(echo $duration \ | awk -F: '{ print ($1 * 3600) + ($2 * 60) + $3 }' \ | cut -d '.' -f 1)" fps="$(ffprobe "$1" 2>&1 \ | sed -n 's/.*, \(.*\) fps,.*/\1/p' \ | awk '{printf("%d\n",$1 + 0.5)}')" frames="$(( seconds*fps ))" width="640" # CHANGE AS NEEDED (e.g. width/2 etc.) height="360" # CHANGE AS NEEDED (e.g. height/2 etc.) ### Filterchains stemStart="select=gte(n\," stemEnd="),format=yuv444p,split[horz][vert]" horz="[horz]crop=in_w:1:0:n,tile=1x${height}[horz]" vert="[vert]crop=1:in_h:n:0,tile=${width}X1[vert]" merge="[0:v]null[horz];[1:v]null[vert]" scale="scale=${width}:${height}" #### Create resized video, or let 'inputVideo=$1' clear; echo "### RESIZING VIDEO (location: $folder) ###" inputVideo="$folder/resized.mkv" ffmpeg -loglevel debug -i "$1" -vf "$scale" -crf 10 "$inputVideo" 2>&1 \ |& grep 'frame=' | tr \\n \\r; echo ### MAIN LOOP for (( i=0;i<"$frames";i++ )) do echo -ne "### Processing Frame: $i of $frames ### \033[0K\r" ffmpeg \ -loglevel panic \ -i "$inputVideo" \ -filter_complex "${stemStart}${i}${stemEnd};${horz};${vert}" \ -map '[horz]' \ -vframes 1 \ "$folder"/horz_frame${i}.png \ -map '[vert]' \ -vframes 1 \ "$folder"/vert_frame${i}.png done ### Join images (optional sharpening, upscale, etc. via 'merge' variable) echo -ne "\n### Creating output videos ###" ffmpeg \ -loglevel panic \ -r "$fps" \ -i "$folder"/horz_frame%d.png \ -r "$fps" \ -i "$folder"/vert_frame%d.png \ -filter_complex "$merge" \ -map '[horz]' \ -r "$fps" \ -crf 10 \ "${1}_horizontal-smear.mkv" \ -map '[vert]' \ -r "$fps" \ -crf 10 \ "${1}_verticle-smear.mkv" ### Finish and tidy files exit ### NOTES ###################################################################### # The input video is resized to reduce frames needed to fill frame dimensions # (which can produce more interesting results). # This is done by producing a separate video, but it can be included at the # start of 'stemStart' filterchain to resize frame dimensions on-the-fly. # Adjust 'width' and 'height' for alternate effects. # For seamless looping, an alternative file should be created by looping # the desired section of video, but set the number of processing frames to # original video's 'time*fps' number. The extra frames are only needed to fill # the void [black] area in frames beyond loop points.download: ffmpeg_wobble-video.sh
2012: eagerly wait for NECA to bring out a Elizabeth Shaw figure
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) September 8, 2017
2017: character unceremoniously killed off - NECA bring out a Shaw figure 😒 pic.twitter.com/Utfzjyn5OM
#!/bin/bash # Generate ['Scanimate' inspired] rainbow trail video effect with FFmpeg # (N.B. Resource intensive - consider multiple passes for longer trails) # version: 2017. # source: http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com function rainbowFilter() #1:delay 2:keytype 3:color 4:sim val 5:blend 6:loop num { local delay="PTS+${1:-0.1}/TB" # Set delay between video instances local keyType="${2:-colorkey}" # Select between 'colorkey' and 'chromakey' local key="0x${3:-000000}" # 'key colour local chromaSim="${4:-0.1}" # 'key similarity level local chromaBlend="${5:-0.4}" # 'key blending level local colourReset="colorchannelmixer=2:2:2:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 ,smartblur" # Reset colour after each colour change (stops colours heading to black) # 'smartblur' to soften edges caused by setting colours to white # Array of rainbow colours. Ideally, this could be generated algorithmically local colours=( "2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" "0.5:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" "0:0:0:0:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" "2:0:0:0:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" "2:0:0:0:0.5:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" "2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" ) # Generate body of filtergraph (default: 7 loops. Also, colour choice mod 7) for (( i=0;i<${6:-7};i++ )) { local filter=" $filter [a]$colourReset, colorchannelmixer=${colours[$((i%7))]}, setpts=$delay, split[a][c]; [b]colorkey=${key}:${chromaSim}:${chromaBlend}[b]; [c][b]overlay[b];" } printf "split [a][b];${filter}[a][b]overlay" } ffmpeg -i "$1" -vf "$(rainbowFilter)" -c:v huffyuv "${1}_rainbow.avi"download: ffmpeg_rainbow-trail.sh
#!/bin/bash # Extract section of video using time-codes taken from MPV screen-shots # Requires specific MPV screen-shot naming scheme: screenshot-template="%f__%P" # N.B. Skeleton script demonstrating basic operation filename="$(ls -1 *.jpg | head -1)" startTime="$(cut -d. -f-2 <<< "${filename#*__}")" filename="${filename%__*}" endTime="$(cut -d_ -f3 <<<"$(ls -1 *.jpg | tail -1)" | cut -d. -f-2)" ffmpeg \ -i "$filename" \ -ss "$startTime" \ -to "$endTime" \ "EDIT__${filename}__${startTime}-${endTime}.${filename#*.}"Another approach to this (and perhaps more sensible) is to script it all through MPV itself. However, that ties the technique down to MPV, whereas, this 'screen-shot' idea allows it to be used with other media players offering timestamps in the filename. Also, it's a little more tangible: you can create a series of screen-shots and later decide which ones are timed better.
'mpv-webm: Simple WebM maker for mpv, with no external dependencies.' https://github.com/ekisu/mpv-webm Create video clip at selected start/end points, as well as crop coordinates if required. Encoder options, and ability to Preview before output.
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) September 11, 2018
From the archives: Circa 2002, Euro conversion calculator produced for 'Denny' (processed meats). Given away for free* on selected products. pic.twitter.com/7ap4bW15xR— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) May 4, 2017
Wouldn't turn on, no matter how much light given to solar panel ["perhaps the battery is acting as resister?" I thought]. Opened it; found a wonderful surprise [solar panel is a fake]. pic.twitter.com/cetu2xPdeF— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) May 4, 2017
# A simple 'youtube-dl' one-liner that can replace everything else the script youtube-dl "$1" -f 'bestvideo+bestaudio' -o "%(channel_id)s---%(id)s---%(title)s.%(ext)s"
#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Download YouTube video, adding 'channel ID' to downloaded video filename¹ # - Arguments: YouTube URL # source: https://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com # version: 2017. # - Fixed filename issue where youtube-dl uses "mkv" container # ------- 2017. # - Changed 'best (mp4)' to best anything (for vp9 4K video) # ------- 2017. ################################################################################ # Checks if video already exists in folder (checks YouTube ID in filename) [ -f *"${1##*=}.m"* ] \ && echo "*** FILE ALREADY EXISTS - ${1##*=} ***" \ && exit # Download html source of YouTube video webpage html="$(wget -qO- "$1")" # Extract YouTube channel ID from html source channelID="$(grep channelId <<<"$html" \ | tr \" \\n \ | grep -E UC[-_A-Za-z0-9]{21}[AQgw])" # Download best version of YouTube video youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo+bestaudio' \ --add-metadata \ "$1" # Download best (MP4) version of YouTube video #youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best' \ # --add-metadata \ # "$1" # Get filename of video created by youtube-dl filename="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*${1##*=}.m*" \ | cut -d\/ -f2)" # Rename filename echo "Renaming file to: ${channelID}_${filename}" mv "$filename" "${channelID}_${filename}" ### NOTES ###################################################################### # ¹2017, May 21: Waiting for this to be implemented in youtube-dl # youtube-dl -v -f137+140 -o '%(channel_id)s-%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s' # https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/9676download: ytdl.sh
I had this mad idea of limiting myself to 'x11-apps' https://t.co/AgdyjrGqfC pic.twitter.com/nsuSY3UVaG
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) February 28, 2017
YouTube 2017 https://t.co/jlctMmDH0Q #MommyandGracieShow pic.twitter.com/Jh9FJKmrK7
— oioiiooixiii {gifs} (@oioiiooixiii_) April 29, 2017
# Some basic Bash/FFmpeg notes on the procedures involved: # Select random 144 videos from current folder ('sort -R' or 'shuf') find ./ -name "*.mp4" | sort -R | head -n 144 # Generate 144 '-i' input text for FFmpeg (files being Bash function parameters) echo '-i "${'{1..144}'}"' # Or use 'eval' for run-time creation of FFmpeg command eval "ffmpeg $(echo '-i "${'{1..144}'}"')" # VIDEO - 10 separate FFmpeg instances # Create 9 rows of 16 videos with 'hstack', then use these as input for 'vstack' [0:v][1:v]...[15:v]hstack=16[row1]; [row1][row2]...[row9]vstack=9 # [n:v] Input sources can be omitted from stack filters if all '-i' files used # AUDIO - 1 FFmpeg instance # Mix 144 audio tracks into one output (truncate with ':duration=first' option) amix=inputs=144 # If needed, normalise audio volume in two passes - first analyse audio -af "volumedetect" # Then increase volume based on 'max' value, such that 0dB not exceeded -af "volume=27dB" # Mux video and audio into one file ffmpeg -i video.file -i audio.file -map 0:0 -map 1:0 out.file # Addendum: Some other thoughts in reflection: Perhaps piping the files to a FFmpeg instance with a 'grid' filter might simplify things, or loading the files, one by one, inside the filtergraph via 'movie=' might be worth investigating.¹ See related: https://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com/2017/01/ffmpeg-generate-image-of-tiled-results.html
#!/bin/bash # Create Predator [1987 movie] "Adaptive Camo" chromakey effect in FFmpeg # - Takes arguments: filename, colour hex value (defaults to green). # ver. 2017. # source: http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com function setDimensionValues() # Sets global size variables based on file source { dimensions="$(\ ffprobe \ -v error \ -show_entries stream=width,height \ -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 \ "$1"\ )" # Create "$height" and "$width" var vals eval "$(head -1 <<<"$dimensions");$(tail -1 <<<"$dimensions")" } function buildFilter() # Builds filter using core filterchain inside for-loop { # Set video dimensions and key colour setDimensionValues "$1" colour="0x${2:-00FF00}" oWidth="$width" oHeight="$height" # Arbitary scaling values - adjust to preference for ((i=0;i<4;i++)) { width="$((width-100))" height="$((height-50))" printf "split[a][b]; [a]chromakey=$colour:0.3:0.06[keyed]; [b]scale=$width:$height:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease, pad=$oWidth:$oHeight:$((width/4)):$((height/4))[b]; [b][keyed]overlay," } printf "null" # Deals with hanging , character in filtergraph } # Generate output ffplay -i "$1" -vf "$(buildFilter "$@")" #ffmpeg -i "$1" -vf "$(buildFilter "$@")" -an "${1}_predator-fx.mkv"video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UdhuPnWpHA
I wrote a Bash function for highly accurate Irish weather forecasting... pic.twitter.com/BhP6jztDuq
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) June 10, 2017
function weather2morrow() { echo "Weather forecast for"\ "$(date +%A,\ %d\ %B\ %Y --date=tomorrow):"\ "Sunny spells & scattered showers 🌦 " }
Aug. 5, 1996: TIME Magazine, "Letters". Amer Matar writes in regards to TIME's July 15th issue, covering US influence on Russian elections. pic.twitter.com/6r244FzqZ5
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) May 22, 2017
Music: Magma - 'Slag Tanz'. Dance: MacMillan's "Rite of Spring" - English National Ballet (2012). Principal: Erina Takahashi. pic.twitter.com/p3K2cxETNd— oioiiooixiii {gifs} (@oioiiooixiii_) March 20, 2017
Listening to Magma often gives me ideas for dance. I dislike sticking things together (spoils both) but gives some idea of what's in my head https://t.co/CvhBEFj0n6— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) March 20, 2017
source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEOi4ZzUud4Costume design by Kinder Aggugini, with additional development by Katya Ryazanskaya https://t.co/a9bV5iD4RL @oioiiooixiii_ pic.twitter.com/ak0cYeA8ul— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) March 20, 2017
# Use ImageMagick to convert image to text file convert merkel.jpg merkel.txt # sed replaces every occurrence of $i value with '0' (except in first line) for (( i=0; i<255; i++)) { sed '1! s,'"$i"',0,g' < merkel.txt \ | convert - "merkel_$i.png" }Animated effects can also be interesting...
for (( i=0; i<186; i++)); { sed '1! s,'"$i"',0,g' <merkel.txt | convert - "merkel_$(printf "%03d\n" $i).png"; } # @oioiiooixiii pic.twitter.com/TcfBFity6Y # — oioiiooixiii {gifs} (@oioiiooixiii_) December 7, 2016
For no other reason than "just because". The Bash script is generic enough to be used in other scenarios. Most work is done by MPV and its '--ytdl-format' option. A small delay is added before each mpv call, to avoid swamping YouTube with concurrent video requests.Watching 5 QVC YouTube livestreams at once because: we are living in the future! Might not be the future we wanted but its the future we got — @oioiiooixiii February 11, 2017
#!/bin/bash # Stream 5 QVC YouTube live-streams simultaneously. # - Requires 'mpv' - N.B. Kills all running instances of mpv when exiting. # - See YouTube format codes, for video quality, below. # ver. 2017. ### YOUTUBE VIDEO IDS ########################################################## # QVC ...... USA .......... UK ........ Italy ....... Japan ...... France videos=('2oG7ZbZnTcA' '8pHCfXXZlts' '-9RIKfrDP2E' 'wMo3F5IouNs' 'uUwo_p57g5c') ### FUNCTIONS ################################################################## function finish() # Kill all mpv players when exiting { killall mpv } trap finish EXIT function playVideo() # Takes YouTube video ID { sleep "$2" # The "be nice" delay mpv --quiet --ytdl-format 91 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="$1" } ### BEGIN ###################################################################### for ytid in "${videos[@]}"; do ((x+=2)); (playVideo "$ytid" "$x" &); done read -p "Press Enter key to exit"$'\n' # Hold before exiting #zenity --warning --text="End it all?" --icon-name="" # Zenity hold alternative exit ### FORMAT CODES ############################################################### # format code extension resolution note # 91 mp4 144p HLS , h264, aac @ 48k # 92 mp4 240p HLS , h264, aac @ 48k # 93 mp4 360p HLS , h264, aac @128k # 94 mp4 480p HLS , h264, aac @128k # 95 mp4 720p HLS , h264, aac @256k # 96 mp4 1080p HLS , h264, aac @256k
Look, I sketched Trump and Obama shaking hands at the inauguration ceremony. pic.twitter.com/4oQt5Fd9iy
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) January 20, 2017
And now I sketched the First Lady Woman of Amerika. I was a few minutes in before I realised I was taking it too seriously pic.twitter.com/coFmskpmHJ
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) January 21, 2017
# ImageMagick - Use with extracted frames or FFmpeg image pipe (limited to 4GB) convert -limit memory 4GB frames/*.png -evaluate-sequence max merged-frames.png # FFmpeg - Chain of tblend filters (N.B. inefficient - better ways to do this) ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf tblend=all_mode=lighten,tblend=all_mode=lighten,...As a comparison, here is an image made from the same frames but using 'mean' average with ImageMagick.