Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Red Dawn 2019: Reinstate 八一

montage image: on the left hand side; various images relating to real-world good relations between Russia and China, politically and militarily. On the right hand side, photos and images relating to the original production of Red Dawn (2012) movie; showing Chinese propaganda posters and military forces.

Given the current state of things¹, it might be worth considering a re-release of 'Red Dawn (2012)', containing the original People's Republic of China story-line and imagery. It might not make the film any better, but at least the story and scenery would make a modicum more sense. Either-way, it would be pretty cool to see Chinese and Russian military on American streets, even in such a silly film as this.


Below is a small list of [some defunct] URLs relating to the original version of film. There are images and texts about the original making of the film, as well as reviews and concerns about its release (circa 2010).

film info:
official website:
images of filming in Detroit:
'Russians' turn up on set:
concept art:
Some posters used in the film:
Review of the original version:
Anti-film preview:
Anti-Film website:
Red Dawn News Twitter:
Forum thread discussing film changes:

Some other images relating to the film in its current state:

A poor attempt at repainting one of the PLA stars to one representing the KPA.

A scene in the film where the symbol on a sign rapidly changes back and forth.
[see full video:]

The average colour of each frame in the film.

Russia needs to get its act together

An image comparing two news stories. On the top left: 19-year-old mass-shotting killer Nikolas Cruz being arrested on the ground. The ground is replaced with the american flag and the image of an AR-15 assault rifle is included. Underneath are the stats: 'AMERICAN TEEN, SPORTING EQUIPMENT, AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL, 17 DEAD'. On the top right-hand side of the image: A silly-looking Владимир Путин (Vladimir Putin) stands in front of St. Basil's Cathedral. In his hand, an open tin-can with noxious green fumes emanating from it. THe tin-can has warning symbols and 'NOVICHOK' labels. At the bottom of the can in hand writing are the words: '100% cyka blyat!'. Underneath are the stats: 'RUSSIAN FEDERATION,MILITARY GRADE NERVE AGENT, ENGLISH PARK BENCH, 0 DEAD.'

While our American friends show how it's really just child's play, Vova, with his persistent love of Rube Goldberg mechanics, makes himself look like a really bad Bond villain...

James Bond: "Do you expect me to talk?"
Bond villain: "Haha no Mr. Bond, I expect you suffer a suspicious, but recoverable, ailment in a public place, using an easily traceable substance, in the middle of the most tense geopolitical situation since the Cold War, weeks before my country hosts the FIFA World Cup."


A silly-looking Владимир Путин (Vladimir Putin) stands in front of St. Basil's Cathedral. In his hand, an open tin-can with noxious green fumes emanating from it. THe tin-can has warning symbols and 'NOVICHOK' labels. At the bottom of the can in hand writing are the words: '100% cyka blyat!'

The United States May Drop Kim Kardashian's Ass On Iran

Image shows Kim Kardashian in jeans, white t-shirts, and red high-heel shoes, falling towards Iran, after being dropped from a B-2 stealth bomber

America is currently spending tens of millions of dollars on developing a bomb that is capable of penetrating and destroying Iranian nuclear facilities deep within the country's mountain ranges¹.

A nuclear strike would of course be more than enough to do the job, but even unscrupulous America would be incapable of delivering such a ironic plan as to use nuclear warfare to stop a hypothesised nuclear war, so they set Lockheed Martin and AFRL the task of developing a large conventional bomb to do the task.

Now a new radical new idea has sprung forth from the crazy minds of US' military R&D*: they plan to turn Kim Kardashian's buttocks into a Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP).

Close-up of Kim Kardashian squatting in white dress. The dress is covered in U.S. air-force insignia, including American flag and seal, and phrases: '50 Megatons' and 'God bless America'

The military scientists believe that due to the size and consistency of the celebrities rear (denser than Plutonium), a drop from above the stratosphere would result in a 50 megaton explosion and an impact crater 2 miles in diameter. Tests are currently being run to see if there is a risk of nuclear fallout being released from the "KD" (Kardashian Device). They say there is a small chance of a toxic release on the way down.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in sunglasses pointing at camera with 'Drop dat ass' written below it
Iranian president, محمود احمدی‌نژاد (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad), gave a chilling reply to the news of America's development of this new biological weapon. Apparently goading the United States' into war, he is on the record as saying: "Do it! Drop dat ass".

²Rear-search and Development

content originally published: June, 2012

North Korea is a serious threat to America...

A B-52 bomber looms over an unsuspecting Kim Jong-Un. Above it an American flag, and Obama toasts to North Korea's complete and utter annihilation
"Can you see the imperialists, dear Leader?" - "No, not a sign of them. Our tireless rhetoric has frightened them away!"

America could flatten North Korea in a heartbeat; could flatten it before North Korea got the kindling smoldering in one of it's glorified fireworks; but it hasn't. The debate goes back and forth: America won't attack a country with nuclear weapons - America won't remove a country that provides it a perfect excuse to keep a massive military presence in the area.


Deletion of a contrasting Ukraine

A Youtube account (Gugijuma) with videos documenting the result of a military strike on Луганск (Lugansk), was deleted soon after the videos were uploaded in 2014, because of "repeated violations of Google's policies". I made this screen capture for a tweet highlighting the contrast in video content, and it is all that now remains of that account (the videos from 2014 have since been mirrored elsewhere).
