For no other reason than "just because". The Bash script is generic enough to be used in other scenarios. Most work is done by MPV and its '--ytdl-format' option. A small delay is added before each mpv call, to avoid swamping YouTube with concurrent video requests.Watching 5 QVC YouTube livestreams at once because: we are living in the future! Might not be the future we wanted but its the future we got — @oioiiooixiii February 11, 2017
#!/bin/bash # Stream 5 QVC YouTube live-streams simultaneously. # - Requires 'mpv' - N.B. Kills all running instances of mpv when exiting. # - See YouTube format codes, for video quality, below. # ver. 2017. ### YOUTUBE VIDEO IDS ########################################################## # QVC ...... USA .......... UK ........ Italy ....... Japan ...... France videos=('2oG7ZbZnTcA' '8pHCfXXZlts' '-9RIKfrDP2E' 'wMo3F5IouNs' 'uUwo_p57g5c') ### FUNCTIONS ################################################################## function finish() # Kill all mpv players when exiting { killall mpv } trap finish EXIT function playVideo() # Takes YouTube video ID { sleep "$2" # The "be nice" delay mpv --quiet --ytdl-format 91 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="$1" } ### BEGIN ###################################################################### for ytid in "${videos[@]}"; do ((x+=2)); (playVideo "$ytid" "$x" &); done read -p "Press Enter key to exit"$'\n' # Hold before exiting #zenity --warning --text="End it all?" --icon-name="" # Zenity hold alternative exit ### FORMAT CODES ############################################################### # format code extension resolution note # 91 mp4 144p HLS , h264, aac @ 48k # 92 mp4 240p HLS , h264, aac @ 48k # 93 mp4 360p HLS , h264, aac @128k # 94 mp4 480p HLS , h264, aac @128k # 95 mp4 720p HLS , h264, aac @256k # 96 mp4 1080p HLS , h264, aac @256k