A simple Bash script invoking FFmpeg to create a similar "cloaking" effect as seen the 1987 film "Predator"¹. It needs a little bit more work to make it more accurate; perhaps adjusting curves or levels for each iteration, to make them more defined, etc.
#!/bin/bash # Create Predator [1987 movie] "Adaptive Camo" chromakey effect in FFmpeg # - Takes arguments: filename, colour hex value (defaults to green). # ver. 2017. # source: http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com function setDimensionValues() # Sets global size variables based on file source { dimensions="$(\ ffprobe \ -v error \ -show_entries stream=width,height \ -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 \ "$1"\ )" # Create "$height" and "$width" var vals eval "$(head -1 <<<"$dimensions");$(tail -1 <<<"$dimensions")" } function buildFilter() # Builds filter using core filterchain inside for-loop { # Set video dimensions and key colour setDimensionValues "$1" colour="0x${2:-00FF00}" oWidth="$width" oHeight="$height" # Arbitary scaling values - adjust to preference for ((i=0;i<4;i++)) { width="$((width-100))" height="$((height-50))" printf "split[a][b]; [a]chromakey=$colour:0.3:0.06[keyed]; [b]scale=$width:$height:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease, pad=$oWidth:$oHeight:$((width/4)):$((height/4))[b]; [b][keyed]overlay," } printf "null" # Deals with hanging , character in filtergraph } # Generate output ffplay -i "$1" -vf "$(buildFilter "$@")" #ffmpeg -i "$1" -vf "$(buildFilter "$@")" -an "${1}_predator-fx.mkv"video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UdhuPnWpHA
¹ film: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predator_(film)
context: https://twitter.com/oioiiooixiii/status/868527906682789889
context: https://twitter.com/oioiiooixiii_/status/868614704394055680