
Digital airbrush painting of a slightly surreal looking horse muzzle with bridle


So much negativity about the year 2016, but really, every year since 2007 has been shit.


FFmpeg: Extract foreground [moving] objects from video

This is a somewhat crude implementation, but given the right source material, an acceptable result can be generated. It is based on FFmpeg's 'maskedmerge' filter, which takes three input streams: a background, an overlay, and a mask (which is used to manipulate the pixels of the overlay layer).

ffmpeg \
   -i background.png \
   -i video.mkv \
   -filter_complex \
      color=#00ff00:size=1280x720 [matte];
      [1:0] format=rgb24, split[mask][video];
      [0:0][mask] blend=all_mode=difference, 
         curves=m='0/0 .1/0 .2/1 1/1', 
         format=rgb24 [mask];
      [matte][video][mask] maskedmerge,format=rgb24
   " \
   -shortest \
   -pix_fmt yuv422p \

For this process, a still background image is needed. An extracted frame from the video will do, or if the background is constantly obscured, it may be necessary to manually create a clean image from multiple frames (stacking multiple frames may produce better results too).

The background image is 'difference' blended with the video, to produce the mask which will be used with the 'maskedmerge' filter. This video stream is then converted to grayscale and adjusted to maximise the contrast levels. [N.B. The video format changes multiple times with different filter effects, and so 'format=rgb24' is set in each filterchain for colour compatibility.]

The curves and equilisation filtering is a bit hard to explain, and due to to lack of a real time preview, somewhat "hit and miss". Basically, a 'threshold' filter is being built, where just black and white areas are created. The eq/curve filters here progressively squeeze the tones together in such a way that only the wanted areas are solid white. This will change for each project, and the shown filter chain has been progressive "hacked together" for this specific video.[N.B. 'maskedmerge' interprets tonality as levels of pixel opacity in the overlay layer]

The first 'smartblur' filter fills out (dilates) the areas to create more solid structures in the mask. The second 'smartblur' filter blends the edges of the mask to create a softer cutout. Additional 'smartblur' filters can be used on the background and on the video stream it is blended with, which will act as a noise filter to cull stray momentary differences.

The final element is a new background for the extracted elements to sit upon. In this example, a simple green matte is generated. This, along with the created mask, and original video, are are provided as input for the 'maskedmerge' filter.

There are many ways this can be implemented, adjusted, and improved. In the example above, everything is done within one filtergraph, but it can be separated out into multiple passes (this would be useful for manually fixing errors in the mask). [N.B. Timing can be an issue when running this all in a single filtergraph (where the mask layer didn't match up with the overlay). 29.97fps videos proved particularly troublesome. Repeated use of 'setpts=PTS' in filter graph might help, but it this case, it was fixed by converting the video to 25fps beforehand.]

UPDATE: 2020-05-05

There is some recurring confusion over what I wrote about stacking multiple frames for the background image. It's really not that important; it's just something to help create a more general/average background image by image stacking.

# Image stacking with FFmpeg usinf 'tmix' filter.
# More info on 'tmix' filter:
ffmpeg -i background-frame%d.png -vf tmix=frames=3 stacked.png

# Image stacking is also possible with ImageMagick
convert *.png -evaluate-sequence mean stacked.png

ffmpeg maskedmerge:
source video: ぷに (Puni)
Discussion of technique on twitter:

FFmpeg: Create a video composite of colourised macroblock motion-vectors

# Generate video motion vectors, in various colours, and merge together
# NB: Includes fixed 'curve' filters for issue outlined in blog post

ffplay \
   -flags2 +export_mvs \
   -i video.mkv \
   -vf \
         split=3 [original][original1][vectors];
         [vectors] codecview=mv=pf+bf+bb [vectors];
         [vectors][original] blend=all_mode=difference128,
            split=3 [yellow][pink][black];
         [yellow] curves=r='0/0 0.1/0.5 1/1':
                         g='0/0 0.1/0.5 1/1':
                         b='0/0 0.4/0.5 1/1' [yellow];
         [pink] curves=r='0/0 0.1/0.5 1/1':
                       g='0/0 0.1/0.3 1/1':
                       b='0/0 0.1/0.3 1/1' [pink];
         [original1][yellow] blend=all_expr=if(gt(X\,Y*(W/H))\,A\,B) [yellorig];
         [pink][black] blend=all_expr=if(gt(X\,Y*(W/H))\,A\,B) [pinkblack];

# Process:
# 1: Three copies of input video are made
# 2: Motion vectors are applied to one stream
# 3: The result of #2 is 'difference128' blended with an original video stream
#    The brightness and contrast are adjusted to improve clarity
#    Three copies of this vectors result are made
# 4: Curves are applied to one vectors stream to create yellow colour
# 5: Curves are applied to another vectors stream to create pink colour
# 6: Original video stream and yellow vectors are combined diagonally
# 7: Pink vectors stream and original vectors stream are combined diagonally
# 8: The results of #6 and #7 are combined diagonally (opposite direction)

NB: At time of writing, the latest version of FFmpeg (N-81396-g0d8b6a1) has a bug (feature?) where upper and lower bounds of 'curves' filter must be set for accurate results. This is contrary to what's written in official documentation.

alternate version:

see related:
source video: 足太ぺんた (Asibuto Penta)

FFmpeg: Video Stabilisation using 'libvidstab'

It is possible to stablise video with standard FFmpeg using the 'deshake' filter, which can produce satisfactory results¹. Another option is to use FFmpeg with the 'vid.stab' library.

In the video above, a side-by-side comparison is made between the original video, and the 'vid.stab' stablised version. The subject matter remains still, while the video content floats around the frame. This is achieved by setting the 'zoom' to a negative value, 'optzoom' to 0, and setting 'relative' to 1. This is not typically desired in most instances, as it creates unusual framing. However, it does mean that no picture information is lost in the process. Note also, how missing information is replaced by the content of previous frames². The other option is to leave these areas black. Further settings information found at Georg Martius's website.

I've created a Bash script to aid in setting the values for video stabilisation (link at end of post). It was intended as a way of getting to grips with different settings, rather than a final application. It initialises a crude interface using Zenity, however all options can be set with this quickly, and it will build complete filters for the first and second pass. It also creates a video using FFmpeg's default values for MKV files. It produces a rudimentary log file, as follows:

**** Wed Jul  6 17:02:07 IST 2016 ****
ARRAY VALUES: |10||||||||200|||0|||1|-50|0||||

# Info:
# 1: Time and date of specific filtering. The filter choices of each run on a video gets added to the same log file.
# 2: Clearly shows the user specified values for filtering (blanks between '|' symbols indicate default value used)
# 3: Filtergraph used for first pass
# 4: Filtergraph used for second pass

To use 'vib.stab' features in FFmpeg, FFmpeg must be compiled using the following procedures (correct as of this post's date)

# Using the FFmpeg compilation method for GNU/Linux, found here

# Add (or complete) the following to pre-compile procedures
# ---------------------------------------------------------
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
wget -O vid-stab-master.tar.gz
tar xzvf vid-stab-master.tar.gz
cd *vid.stab*
cmake .
sudo make install
# ---------------------------------------------------------

# When compiling FFmpeg, include '--enable-libvidstab' in './configure PATH'

# Create necessary symlinks to '' automatically by running
sudo ldconfig

On a final note, vid.stab refuses to work with videos of certain pixel formats, so I encoded all test video as 'yuv420p' which worked without a problem.

¹ Deshake has an advantage over vid.stab, in that it allows setting a region for motion search.
² In some other systems (like 'Deshaker' for VirtualDub ) missing frame information can be interpolated from bi-directional frame analysis.

bash script:

vid.stab home:
vid.stab github:
initial reading:
source video: えんそく (Ensoku)

North Korea is a serious threat to America...

A B-52 bomber looms over an unsuspecting Kim Jong-Un. Above it an American flag, and Obama toasts to North Korea's complete and utter annihilation
"Can you see the imperialists, dear Leader?" - "No, not a sign of them. Our tireless rhetoric has frightened them away!"

America could flatten North Korea in a heartbeat; could flatten it before North Korea got the kindling smoldering in one of it's glorified fireworks; but it hasn't. The debate goes back and forth: America won't attack a country with nuclear weapons - America won't remove a country that provides it a perfect excuse to keep a massive military presence in the area.


Michelle Smith: More Drug than Human, but...

At the time of the 1996 Olympic Games, the whole of Ireland was excited about swimming. Ireland's Michelle Smith was winning medals all over the place. Swimming was the thing to watch on television. The government were promising an Olympic sized swimming pool in every small town in Ireland. People who had never even taken a bath, were suddenly turning up to swimming pools at five in the morning. Nothing could stop us. This was Ireland's sporting Celtic Tiger, and just like economic Celtic Tiger that came some years later, it was nothing but a bubble: a big bubble of drugs. Smith was pumped full of so many synthetic hormones she no longer knew what species she was.

In 1998 Smith failed a drugs test when some urine was found in her whiskey sample. The shame of it. The sad reality dawned on us that all those gold medals in '96 were probably won from Smith injecting herself with Miracle Grow. For a while, some of us kept on believing. Part of RTE's coverage of the '96 Games, included the commentary of Dr. Gary O'Toole, a doctor who previously competed for Ireland in swimming. He had predicted every one of Smith's victories (and even her final bronze medal), and he said nothing to concern us over her sudden rise to Olympic champion. It later turned out that, and I was quite shocked by this, Gary O'Toole was ordered by RTÉ, Ireland's state-run broadcaster, to shut his mouth and not mention his concerns:
"The directive came down that nobody was to discuss drugs and Michelle Smith on national television" source:
Michele Smith's Olympic victories stand, as she never tested positive for banned substances during the 'Games. Whatever really went on with drug-taking, it's hard to forget the vitriol shown by the loser-Americans of 1996. "She broke the rules" a bitter, twisted-faced, Janet Evans whined. As we all know: if you beat the Americans at something, they will come after you until they find a way to destroy you. That case of "sample tampering" of 1998 still seems suspicious; a tad convenient; like they couldn't catch her with the drugs, so they spiced up the samples themselves. Everyone cheats in the end.
*Partial content originally published: August, 2012
more info:

TOIlet (toilet) & FFmpeg: Capturing (formatted) terminal text output as video

for i in {0..9}; do echo "WONDERFUL $i"; done \
| toilet --gay \
| ffmpeg -f tty -i - tty-out.gif

# — oioiiooixiii {gifs} (@oioiiooixiii_) June 15, 2016

To use TOIlet formated text on a webpage:

                                                      ▝       ▝   ▝           ▝       ▝   ▝   ▝    ▄▖ ▗▄   ▄▖ ▗▄  ▗▄   ▄▖  ▄▖ ▗▄  ▗ ▗ ▗▄  ▗▄  ▗▄   ▐▘▜  ▐  ▐▘▜  ▐   ▐  ▐▘▜ ▐▘▜  ▐   ▙▌  ▐   ▐   ▐   ▐ ▐  ▐  ▐ ▐  ▐   ▐  ▐ ▐ ▐ ▐  ▐   ▟▖  ▐   ▐   ▐   ▝▙▛ ▗▟▄ ▝▙▛ ▗▟▄ ▗▟▄ ▝▙▛ ▝▙▛ ▗▟▄ ▗▘▚ ▗▟▄ ▗▟▄ ▗▟▄                                                                                                   
# Basic syntax for html output
toilet -f smmono9 --html oioiiooixiii
                                                                                             ▗▄    ▗▄  ▗▄      ▗▄    ▗▄  ▗▄  ▗▄   ▐▘    ▐▘       ▐▘ ▐▘                                                ▝▙ ▗▟ ▝▙ ▗▟ ▗▟ ▝▙ ▝▙ ▗▟ ▗▘ ▗▟ ▗▟ ▗▟                                                                                                   
# Strips out <br /> tags to improve formatting in blogger
htmlText="$(toilet -f smmono9 --gay --html oioiiooixiii)"
echo "${htmlText//"<br />"/""}"
more info:

FFmpeg: The recursive effects of stacking tblend filters

# Twelve stacked 'tblend=all_mode=difference128' filters.
# Deblocking 'spp' and 'average' filters used to mimimise strobing effects.
# Due to latency issues, the result in ffplay will differ from a ffmpeg rendering.

ffplay \
   -i video.mp4 \
   -vf \

In the video above, 4 versions of the effect are shown. In order:
- The effects of the tblend filter chain as given
- A tblend fliter chain four-times as long
- The 'mode' alternates between 'difference128' and 'difference'
- A 'average' mode between each 'difference128' tblend filter

Here, the result of the shown tblend filter chain is combined with the original video, using various modes. In order:
- all_mode=difference128
- all_mode=difference
- all_mode=multiply128
- all_mode=multiply
- c0_mode=difference128
- unknown 'average_test.mkv'
- unknown 'all_average_test.mkv'
- unknown 'difference_test.mkv'
- unknown 'difference128_test.mkv'
- Original source material

source video:

Putin's Secret Dope-Rocket and the Cybernetic Army of Superhuman Russian Athletes

Red Square: Putin rides a rocket syringe filled with glowing fluid. The needle is inserted into the arm of transhuman Russian athlete (Дарья Клишина) in an action pose. The athlete has glowing yellow eyes, rocket powered feet, and lasers shooting from hands. Tubes are plugged into the stomach and are connected to a display on their chest. The display reads: 'BOOST 107%'
Putin gives you wings!

more info:

Pardon me while I have a strange interlude...

Jen hasn't smiled since March 24th. Well, a smile or two perhaps, but no laughter; not like before. No, things are definitely different now. Chilled, and tense; like frozen beef. I think the end is in sight, and they're all just going through the motions. Strange how the wind blows tonight.
context: ...

Increase monitor DPI with xrandr

# MoreDPI - increase resolution beyond monitor limits
alias moredpi="xrandr --output VGA1 --scale 1.25x1.25 --panning 1280x960"
In this case, the upper resolution limit of the monitor [VGA1] is 1024x768 (4:3). The screen is scaled down by 25% [--scale 1.25x1.25]. A "--panning" argument is given to allow this new area be interacted with.

To return the screen to default settings, the following alias is used:
# LessDPI - reset resolution to default
alias lessdpi="xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 --scale 1x1 --panning 1024x768"
xrandr man:

FFmpeg: Recursive video capture

# Rudimentary script for recording X11 desktop looping through FFplay
# For other platforms see:

ffmpeg \
   -video_size 1024x768 \
   -framerate 25 \
   -f x11grab \
   -i :0+100,200 \
   -c libx264 \
   -preset ultrafast \
   -crf 6 \
   recordscreen543.mkv \
   -y & pid="$!"
trap "kill $pid" EXIT
ffplay \
   -video_size 1024x768 \
   -framerate 25 \
   -f x11grab \
   -i :0+100,200
Longer video demonstrating the effect.

The Irish political ship is adrift

Image shows scene from 'Mutiny on the Bounty' with characters representing Irish political parties - the image alongside it, shows a radio controlled tugboat in a pond, operated by a EU controller

FFmpeg: Display and isolate macroblock motion-vectors in mpeg video

# Isolate motion-vectors using 'difference128' blend filter
# - add brightness, contrast, and scaling, to taste

ffplay \
   -flags2 +export_mvs \
   -i "video.mp4" \
   -vf \

Works best with higher-resolution videos; 4K source used in this case.

more info:
source video: Czech National Ballet -
shorter alt. version: