#!/bin/bash #set -e -x ################################################################################ # # Script for setting all vibstab options in FFmpeg, using Zenity interface. # # Takes filename as argument - asks for filename otherwise. # If a filter value is not given by user, then the default value is used. # # Ver. 1.0 - 17th June 2016 # Source: # ################################################################################ ### VARIABLES ################################################################## [ ! -z "$1" ] && inFile="$1" || inFile="$(zenity --file-selection)" # Input file [ "$?" != "0" ] && exit 1 # Catch cancle button outFile="${inFile%.*}_VIDSTAB.mkv" # Output file ### FUNCTIONS ################################################################## function displayInterface() { zenity \ --title="Define vid.stab values" \ --forms --text="VIDSTABDETECT" \ --add-entry="[ ] Default: transforms.trf ..... RESULT" \ --add-entry="[1~10] Default: 5 .............. SHAKINESS" \ --add-entry="[1~15] Default: 15 ............. ACCURACY" \ --add-entry="[ ] Default: 6 ........................ STEPSIZE" \ --add-entry="[0~1] Default: 0.3 ....... MINCONTRAST" \ --add-entry="[n] Default: 0 .......................... TRIPOD" \ --add-entry="[0~2] Default: 0 ........................ SHOW" \ --add-list="--- VIDSTABTRANSFORM ---" \ --add-entry="[ ] Default: transforms.trf ....... INPUT" \ --add-entry="[n] Default: 10 ............... SMOOTHING" \ --add-entry="[gauss/avg] Default: avg ... OPTALGO" \ --add-entry="[ ] Default: -1 ..................... MAXSHIFT" \ --add-entry="[-1~360] Default: -1 ......... MAXANGLE" \ --add-entry="[black/keep] Default: keep ...... CROP" \ --add-entry="[0/1] Default: 0 ....................... INVERT" \ --add-entry="[0/1] Default: 0 ................... RELATIVE" \ --add-entry="[ ] Default: 0 ............................ ZOOM" \ --add-entry="[0/1/2] Default: 1 .............. OPTZOOM" \ --add-entry="[0~5] Default: 0.25 ........ ZOOMSPEED" \ --add-entry="[no/...] Default: bilinear .... INTERPOL" \ --add-entry="[0/1] Default: 0 ....................... TRIPOD" \ --add-entry="[0/1] Default: 0 ....................... DEBUG" } function buildDetectFilter() # takes full values string; outputs ffmpeg filter { # Convert input string to array IFS='|' read -ra valuesArray <<< "$1" # Array used to hold constructed FFmpeg 'vidstabdetect' filter elements detectArray=() # RESULT resultVal="${valuesArray[0]:-transforms.trf}" # Set the path to the file used to write the transforms information. # Default value is transforms.trf. detectArray+=(result=$resultVal) # SHAKINESS shakinessVal="${valuesArray[1]:-5}" # Set how shaky the video is and how quick the camera is. It accepts an # integer in the range 1-10, a value of 1 means little shakiness, a # value of 10 means strong shakiness. Default value is 5. detectArray+=(shakiness=$shakinessVal) # ACCURACY accuracyVal="${valuesArray[2]:-15}" # Set the accuracy of the detection process. It must be a value in the range # 1-15. A value of 1 means low accuracy, a value of 15 means high accuracy. # Default value is 15. detectArray+=(accuracy=$accuracyVal) # STEPSIZE stepsizeVal="${valuesArray[3]:-6}" # Set stepsize of the search process. The region around minimum is scanned # with 1 pixel resolution. Default value is 6. detectArray+=(stepsize=$stepsizeVal) # MINCONTRAST mincontrastVal="${valuesArray[4]:-0.3}" # Set minimum contrast. Below this value a local measurement field is # discarded. Must be a floating point value in the range 0-1. Default # value is 0.3. detectArray+=(mincontrast=$mincontrastVal) # TRIPOD tripodDVal="${valuesArray[5]:-0}" # Set reference frame number for tripod mode. # If enabled, the motion of the frames is compared to a reference frame in # the filtered stream, identified by the specified number. The idea is to # compensate all movements in a more-or-less static scene and keep the # camera view absolutely still. If set to 0, it is disabled. The frames # are counted starting from 1. detectArray+=(tripod=$tripodDVal) # SHOW showVal="${valuesArray[6]:-0}" # Show fields and transforms in the resulting frames. It accepts an integer # in the range 0-2. Default value is 0, which disables any visualization. detectArray+=(show=$showVal) # Create VidStabDetect filter printf "vidstabdetect=$(tr ' ' ':' <<< ${detectArray[@]})" } function buildTransformFilter() # takes full values string; outputs filter { # Convert input string into array IFS='|' read -ra valuesArray <<< "$1" # Array used to hold constructed FFmpeg 'vidstabtransform' filter elements transformArray=() # INPUT inputVal="${valuesArray[8]:-transforms.trf}" # Set path to the file used to read the transforms. # Default value is transforms.trf transformArray+=(input=$inputVal) # SMOOTHING smoothingVal="${valuesArray[9]:-10}" # Set the number of frames (value*2 + 1) used for lowpass filtering the # camera movements. Default value is 10. For example a number of 10 means # that 21 frames are used (10 in the past and 10 in the future) to smoothen # the motion in the video. A larger value leads to a smoother video, but # limits the acceleration of the camera (pan/tilt movements). 0 is a special # case where a static camera is simulated. transformArray+=(smoothing=$smoothingVal) # OPTALGO optalgoVal="${valuesArray[10]:-gauss}" # Set the camera path optimization algorithm. Accepted values are: # ‘gauss’ gaussian kernel low-pass filter on camera motion (default) # ‘avg’ averaging on transformations transformArray+=(optalgo=$optalgoVal) # MAXSHIFT maxshiftVal="${valuesArray[11]:--1}" # Set maximal number of pixels to translate frames. # Default value is -1, meaning no limit. transformArray+=(maxshift=$maxshiftVal) # MAXANGLE maxangleVal="${valuesArray[12]:--1}" # Set maximal angle in radians (degree*PI/180) to rotate frames. # Default value is -1, meaning no limit. transformArray+=(maxangle=$maxangleVal) # CROP cropVal="${valuesArray[13]:-keep}" # Specify how to deal with borders that may be visible due to movement # compensation. Available values are: # ‘keep’ keep image information from previous frame (default) # ‘black’ fill the border black" transformArray+=(crop=$cropVal) # INVERT invertVal="${valuesArray[14]:-0}" # Invert transforms if set to 1. Default value is 0. transformArray+=(invert=$invertVal) # RELATIVE relativeVal="${valuesArray[15]:-0}" # Consider transforms as relative to previous frame if set to 1, # absolute if set to 0. Default value is 0. transformArray+=(relative=$relativeVal) # ZOOM zoomVal="${valuesArray[16]:-0}" # Set percentage to zoom. A positive value will result in a zoom-in effect, # a negative value in a zoom-out effect. Default value is 0 (no zoom). transformArray+=(zoom=$zoomVal) # OPTZOOM optzoomVal="${valuesArray[17]:-1}" # Set optimal zooming to avoid borders. Accepted values are: # ‘0’ disabled # ‘1’ optimal static zoom value is determined (only very strong movements # will lead to visible borders) (default) # ‘2’ optimal adaptive zoom value is determined (no borders will be visible) # see zoomspeed # Note that the value given at zoom is added to the one calculated here. transformArray+=(optzoom=$optzoomVal) # ZOOMSPEED zoomspeedVal="${valuesArray[18]:-0.25}" # Set percent to zoom maximally each frame (enabled when optzoom is set to # 2). Range is from 0 to 5, default value is 0.25. transformArray+=(zoomspeed=$zoomspeedVal) # INTERPOL interpolVal="${valuesArray[19]:-bilinear}" # Specify type of interpolation. Available values are: # ‘no’ no interpolation # ‘linear’ linear only horizontal # ‘bilinear’ linear in both directions (default) # ‘bicubic’ cubic in both directions (slow) transformArray+=(interpol=$interpolVal) # TRIPOD tripodTVal="${valuesArray[20]:-0}" # Enable virtual tripod mode if set to 1, which is equivalent to # relative=0:smoothing=0. Default value is 0. # Use also tripod option of vidstabdetect. transformArray+=(tripod=$tripodTVal) # DEBUG debugVal="${valuesArray[21]:-0}" # Increase log verbosity if set to 1. Also the detected global motions are # written to the temporary file global_motions.trf. Default value is 0. transformArray+=(debug=$debugVal) # Create VidStabTransform filter printf "vidstabtransform=$(tr ' ' ':' <<< ${transformArray[@]})" } function displayFilters() # takes strings as input { zenity \ --width="600" \ --info \ --text="$1 \n $2" } function logFiltersUsed() # $1 - filename $2/$3 - FFmpeg filters $4 - array vals { printf "**** $(date) ****\n" >> "$1_filters.log" printf "ARRAY VALUES: $4\n" >> "$1_filters.log" printf "$2\n$3\n\n" >> "$1_filters.log" } ### BEGIN ###################################################################### # Get filter values from user values="$(displayInterface)" [ "$?" != "0" ] && exit 1 # Catch cancle button # Create VidStabDetect filter detectFilter="$(buildDetectFilter $values)" # Create VidStabTransform filter transformFilter="$(buildTransformFilter $values)" # Display full filter strings instead of executing FFmpeg #displayFilters "$detectFilter" "$transformFilter" logFiltersUsed "$inFile" "$detectFilter" "$transformFilter" "$values" # First-pass ffmpeg -i "$inFile" -vf "$detectFilter" -f null - # Second-pass ffmpeg -i "$inFile" -vf "$transformFilter" "$outFile" -y exit 0 ### NOTES ###################################################################### # See more: