Viewing Instagram in different web browsers

An Instagram page, as rendered by an Icecat (Firefox) web browser.

The same Instagram page when JavaScript is disabled in Icecat.

With, and without JavaScript, in a Google Chrome browser.

Below, the popular terminal based web browser, "Lynx", has nothing to display when visiting the Instagram page.

Two other terminal based browsers for comparison, ELinks and W3M. W3M even offers framebuffer support for image display.

And for comparison, this blog, as viewed in ELinks and W3M.

Visiting Instagram without JavaScript is a complete non-experience, you won't be greeted with even a crippled HTML version. This is reminiscent of the era of Flash based websites. It's similar but, surprisingly, lacks the general consternation that the use of Flash caused.

Add to this, the deliberate low resolution and bad quality of images utilised by Instagram, and you come to one conclusion: If you are using Instagram, you are committing crimes against photography, the Internet, and the technological advancement of mankind.

Julia Mancuso's Instagram account (without indictment):