This is further study in the creation of depth information based on two-dimensional source material
By slighting delaying the video entering one eye, the interference created can reveal a sense of depth to parts of the scene.
This video above loops between two versions of the same two scenes. One has a three frame differential (24/8 = 0.125) and the other, eight (24/3 = 0.3). Depending on content and movement, the greater the time difference, the clearer the effect works.
The video was created with FFmpeg, and the ffplay command, with filterchain, is given below:
# 'setpts=PTS+0.3/TB' delay video start by 0.3 seconds ffplay \ -i witchcraft.mp4 \ -vf \ "scale=320x180,split [a][b];\ nullsrc=size=640x180[base];\ [a] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [left];\ [b] setpts=PTS+0.3/TB [right];\ [base][left]overlay=shortest=1[x];\ [x][right]overlay=x=320:shortest=1"\ -loop 0
The source video was taken from "Witchboard", a cheesy, but enjoyable, 1980's horror film (big hair, and all that).
ffmpeg setpts: