Ubuntu on Windows

context: https://linux.slashdot.org/story/16/03/30/1021224/confirmed-microsoft-and-canonical-partner-to-bring-ubuntu-to-windows-10

Christina Geiger: Åre Slalom - 13th December 2015

40 years of "Wearables"

Fool me once... The more things change... etc.

related: http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com/2015/08/wearables.html

Nigel Farage Nightmare Drawing

A quickly drawn sketch of Nigel Farage in a state of insanity.

Virtuosity(1995): Trump is great for TV ratings


"The political sensitivity of the immigration issue, and the possibility of closing the American borders, seems certain to guarantee a television audience of unprecedented size."
view scene in movie: https://youtu.be/Qen1sQf7g5A?t=1h14m19s

Bash Script: 'speedtest.sh' - Graphical internet speed tester, based on wget & zenity

I tried to show someone the benefits of wget speedtests in a terminal; they nearly threw-up. People only understand graphical speedometers it seems! So I threw some zenity into the mix.

I really wanted a one-liner solution, but there was a little too much awk needed, so I ended-up filling it out into a small bash script.

There are lots of ways to polish and extend this script, or use the concept for something else.

View Script: http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com/p/speedtestsh.html